Friday, October 1, 2010

1st post! Rafin's bio + interview

                                                                          You talkin to me?

( Looking at that pic, you guys think Rafin is trying to get cast for The Matrix in 3D?.........NO)

Yeah I need to Stop. Anyway...

Short Bio

  • Born in Bangladesh (SHOUTOUT TO BD!) on Sept. 25th, 2002
  • He's lived in different countries: Japan, Australia, and currently in USA.
  • At around age 5-6, Rafin moved to Australia for a duration of 6 months
  • He didn't like the move from BD to Australia because he left all his favorite people back in BD
  • He became quite lonely in Australia, plus he couldn't get any new toys so... he just started drawing.
  • Eventually, his drawings started to become more and more detailed, and he actually started to cut the drawings out.  He would play with them as if they were real action figures to keep himself occupied
  • He also started constructing houses/lairs for his super heroes...meaning - taking papers or cereal boxes and reshaping them and constructing a model of a regular house for his superheroes to sleep in. Displaying skills as a junior artist as well as an age 6 that was pretty impressive.  (I'll see if there's one of those houses laying around to post a picture of)
  • Soon, Rayfins came to America, and that's when the party started...
- After coming to America, drawing became one of Rafin's favorite activities - usually drawing 1-2 pictures a day.  Btw, I forgot to mention that it's not only hand drawings that he's good at...he's extremely talented at using Microsoft Paint as well. Also, I want to mention that he doesn't trace or copy existing pictures - everything he draws, every detail included in his pictures, all comes from his memory.


What's your name?
Rafin: Saadat Rafin

How old are you?
Rafin: 8

You like drawing?
Rafin: Yep. You already knew that.

Ok..So do you know why I'm asking you these questions?
Rafin: Got no idea

Me: You like school?
Rafin: Huh? Yeah (he wasn't paying attention...watching flinstones lol)

Who's your best friend in school?
Rafin: Uh.....Francis

Favorite cartoon?
Rafin:  Invader Zim

Favorite game?
Rafin: favorite game is you know Batman & Batman Brave & Bold

Why do you draw?
Rafin: *shrugs* I just like it 

What character do you like drawing the best?
Rafin: Batman, robin, vegeta......(couple other names which you guys will figure out by looking at his pics)

*At this point I didn't know what else to ask so I stopped asking questions for a minute or two*

Rafin:  Aren't you going to ask me what my favorite food is?
Me: OKAY! what is it then?
Rafin: Chicken, broccoli, rice =)

Favorite movie?
Rafin: How to Train Your Dragon & Transformers

Got any message for the people visiting your site?
Rafin: Uh...I'll just say Hi....whatever
OKAY..there you have it. There's a lot of pictures that I have to start scanning and uploading, so it may take a while at first but I'll try and post a bunch of them all at once.  Be sure to leave questions/comments for Rafin and click the little follow button on the lower left side of the page so that you guys will be notified when there's a new posting. Pass the URL to this blog to anybody you know that may find this page interesting!

*All requests for me to join facebook will be ignored...thanks*


  1. Hey wats goin on im kevin from Arlington. Sweet page dude. This kid has some serious raw talent. Just one question tho is his name Rafin or Rayfin?

  2. lol..his actual name is 'Rafin', but me and some of my peepz call him 'rayfins' =)

  3. yea i got a comment can u stop runnin ur mouth and put more piks up of that cuteys drawings or wat?

  4. aw le picchi ta onek shundor kore aktey pare ! onek cute ekta chele :) put up more pictures of rayfins please. thanks! does the liddle kiddie know japanese? btw is that why you're learning japanese?

  5. i think Rayfins used to know a couple words in japanese before, but now I think he's forgotten it completely owned

  6. haha i love the interview! && i really like his hairr! Tell him one of his fans also likes chicken, broccoli, and rice ! (:

  7. o snapster! Rayfinz has same hair texture as Raybabz! Yoo i have a request for Rayfinz...Solid Snake. Pleeeaaasee

    Nice blog btw..subscribed!

  8. man this guy is so gud i wanna give up drawing and trace his piks. yo rayfin rafin which ever one it is ur the coolest. my name is william hit me up on aim LIFESEUX2008. LOVE RAYFINS. o yea mind drawin a pik of sppongebob? keep em commin.

  9. awesome page vaishu...even better drawings rafin...
    btw i would like to request your facebook page please, vaishu

  10. Hi!My name is rafin.This is'ent ajoke. It's realy me!Sooooooooooooooooo...What ever.

  11. Hi!I'm rubab's cousin.You know me I'm you like my picture?I'll take that as a yes!This is a realy cool website you know.

  12. Pictures are amazing...keep the good work up :) good luck. Rocky Bhakta


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